IPC was founded in 1957 as the Institute for Printed Circuits. IPC is the largest association that produces standards for the electronics industry. IPC is a global trade association dedicated to furthering the competitive excellence and financialsuccess of its members, who are participants in the electronics manufacturing industry.IPC has 4 main goals which are creating standards, education, advocacy and solution.
IPC have created many standard to address the different parts of the electronics industry. One of these standards is IPC-7711C/7721C Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies. IPC 7711/7721 is written by the Repairability Subcommitee of the Prroduct Assurance Commitee of the IPC. Definitions of Rework, Modification and Repair is below.
Rework is the act of reprocessing non-complying articles, through the use of original or equivalent processing, in a manner that assures full compliance of the article with applicable drawings or specifications.
Repair is the act of restoring the functional capability of a defective article in a manner which precludes compliance of the article with applicable drawings or specifications.
Modification is the revision of the functional capability of a product in order to satisfy new acceptance criteria. Modifications are usually required to incorporate design changes which can be controlled by drawings, change orders, etc. Modifications should only be performed when specifically authorised and described in detail on controlled documentation.
Philiatech have been successful completed the CIT trainer program for the IPC-7711/7721.